How to Make Changes to Meetings

Here’s how….

If there is a change to your meeting—cancellation, change in time or location, a new meeting, etc.—there are two things you need to do, please:

1.     Go to: Click on the three bars on the upper-right-hand area of the page. Click on “meetings” and select the option that applies. If you need help, you can also call OA at 505-891-2664 or click on the “contact us” tab at the bottom of the home page. For a new group, you will need to obtain a group number from, if you don’t already have one, before contacting Intergroup (Step 2).

2.    Contact the OACFI Intergroup. Send a DETAILED email with all relevant information to Phyllis D. at or call her at 386-717-9721. Phyllis will update the meeting list and send it to the webmasters; the webmasters will upload the information. She will also let the OACFI treasurer and the newsletter editor know about the meeting change.


Click here to see PDF instructions on updating your meeting status for OA

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